Jazz Pro Arte is a company dedicated to music, street arts and circus, created by artist and producer Henrique Mendonça. Founded in 2014 in São Paulo, Brazil, the company’s main goal is to bring entertainment and reflection through art to different places and audiences.

The company works with young and veteran artists, always acting in direct contact with the public, with innovative and performative approaches.
Jazz Pro Arte has organized hundreds of events, with partners large and small, such as government institutions, community centers, private events, parties and street festivals. Since 2019, it has been established in Barcelona, Catalonia, operating at European level.


Photo: Louise Chin/Ignacio Aronovich

Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish and English

Current Activities:
Concerts, Music Production, Composition and Arrangement,
Cultural Projects, Graphic Design


Born in São Paulo, Brazil, Henrique Mendonça is a Professional Musician, Cultural Manager and Historian graduated at the University of São Paulo (USP). Tubist, guitarist, arranger and conductor, he is the founder of the Brazilian groups Cabaré Três Vinténs (2011) and Unidos do Swing (2014), dedicated to the languages ​​of Swing Jazz, Brazilian Music, Choro, Jazz Manouche, Circus and Carnival. Further with these groups, he performed in the most important cultural spaces of Rio-São Paulo, as well as touring Brazil and the USA (NYC, Boston, New Orleans), participating in large-scale festivals such as the Honk! Festival.

While in Barcelona, ​​he collaborated with the Spanish-French artist Manu Chao in 2021, in his show Sibérie M’était Contéee. He is currently part of the group Los Boozan Dukes, created in Barcelona by artists of different nationalities, combining the jazz tradition with the French Creole music of New Orleans. He also performs with the groups La Voodoo Jazz Band, La Raval Jazz Society , Barcelona Marching Band and Always Drinking Marching Band.

Henrique Mendonça
Email: jazzproarte@gmail.com
Telephone: +34 65763 05 02
